As we enjoyed our morning coffee, Cheryl & Glen hauled the anchor of their Cape Dory 30, which also happens to be called "Evergreen", and headed for their home port of Round Pond.

When the wind started to come up we also headed out and travelled northeast along the coast. As we passed Tenants Harbor we crossed paths with this pretty classic sailboat.

We left Bush Island Light to port as we entered Two Bush Channel. All lighthouses are now automated. Many are self sufficient with solar panels.
With the wind behind us we spread our wings and carried on.
Since it was mellow sailing conditions we passed the time with stories being read aloud. In this case we were reading "Survive The Savage Sea" which is a wonderful story about taking control of your destiny.

As we approached the south end of Vinalhaven we had to thread our way between rocks.

Heron Neck Lighthouse is on the southern tip of Vinalhaven Island.
"Tanbark" sails always look neat and are said to be more desirable for a variety of reasons.

Looking ahead, across East Penobscott Bay, Isle Au Haut is shrouded in a layer of fog.

The sun set as we crossed East Penobscott Bay and entered Moores Harbor.
36.1 NM