Thursday, July 16, 2009



We understand that it is time to get out of the "mere" when the buzzards start gathering on the local hanging tree.

So, tomorrow we will begin our summer adventure by hitting the road and traveling north to Solomons, Maryland (where we keep our Cape Dory Cutter).

We have already been off work for 16 days while preparing for this trip. The list which goes on and on includes: hurricane proofing the house; mending the farm fences; pushing back the jungle; buying 4 months of provisions; paying 5 months of bills in advance; preparing boat gear; packing gear and clothes; etc., etc.. We have been going nonstop from sun up to past sunset --- but now we are calling it done and will tear up the remaining lists.

This summer we aim to spend a relatively relaxed time sailing, exploring, and hiking the coast of Maine. Last summer we were always on the run, in our effort to sail north to Canada and back. We returned home last fall feeling that we had done too little actual sailing and exploring ashore. So this year we hope to compensate for those things.

We hope to see our sailing friends during our travels, and as usual all friends are invited to join us at any time providing they are willing to catch up with us whereever we are and are willing to rough it a little.

For the rest of you, feel free to follow along with us via this blog. You can always click on the SPOT link to see where we are each day, since we are not always able to keep the blog up to date.

Also, remember that the latest posts are first and that you can click on all photos to enlarge them.

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