It rained, stormed, and blew all night. We woke to W-NW winds of 25-30 knots and gusts to 35+. The radio documented gusts in excess of 40 knots. Needless to say we remained happily secured to our mooring. All that was necessary was an occasional check of our mooring lines for chafe.
We watched as some furled sails and sail covers in the harbor loosened up and shredded in the wind. The Coast Guard also towed a Canadian sailboat in that apparently had both engine failure and a totally shredded genoa on a roller. Times like this I am thankful that I opted for hank-on sails although most of the time I wish for roller furler sails.
A good part of the day was spent evaluating plans for our next jump outside along the New Jersey coast to the Delaware Bay. Wind direction and its strength must be favorable since the New Jersey coast is a pretty long stretch and the ocean can get rather nasty.
We may go tomorrow but will not decide for certain until 3:00am since it is still blowing like hell right now.
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