After hauling our anchors today we set out across the calm Cape Cod and Massachusettes Bays. We were in the middle of a Right Whale Sanctuary and within no time we were seeing whales all over the place. They were not close enough to get a good picture or to be able to clearly identify them, however, we could easily see them blowing, rolling, and diving. We also saw more small seals (it must be pup season).
We continued towards Isles of Shoals (our first anchorage in Maine). By the way "Shoals" is derived from an old Norwegian word for schools of fish (especially cod fish). Isles of Shoals is a group of private islands not far from the coast so it tends to be a popular anchorage (especially on the weekends). We managed to pick up the last mooring available (and it was the middle of the week). Anchor holding is poor so everyone just picks up an unused mooring.
Now this is Maine: a tiny rock lined harbor; many boats moored close together; lots of activity; wharfs and floating docks, wooden buildings on shore; lobster pots throughout the harbor; light houses in distance; and the sounds of bell and horn bouys.
67 NM
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