Boy what a mess --- this morning when we went to haul our anchors we pulled up a major snarl. A day and a half of storm conditions with two anchors down and constantly shifting winds and currents swinging us around among the lobster pots bouys resulted in a hell of a mess. We spent a good hour getting it all untangled. The lobster men should appreciate the fact that I did not cut a single one of their lines although I really was tempted to.
We carefully motored out of Gouldsboro Bay and set sail for Baker Island (just south of Mt. Desert Island). As we rounded Schoodic Point we passed several fishing vessels heading out to sea.
It was getting late in the day and Baker Island is a great place to stop since it has wonderful sunset views.
Looking back on our travels past Schoodic Point I have to say:
There are no less houses along the coast.
There are hardly any recreational vessels and no services for them.
The currents and winds are stronger and the seas larger.
The distances are shorter than we expected.
Wireless reception is actually better than further west on the coast.
There are more lobster pots and fish pens.
The shore is more bold and rocky.
22.9 NM
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