Sunday, September 14, 2008


AUGUST 23RD, 2008

Now it is time to leave this insulated paradise and head out into the cold raw ocean so that we can start making our way down the coast.

Early we made our way over to St. Peters Lock. While waiting for the lock to fill we had another pleasant conversation with the master of the lock who we felt we almost knew personally by now. We asked him what he does in the winter when the lock is closed. He said that he was looking forward to ice fishing on the lake.

As we left the lock we headed out into pea soup fog. We proceeded across the Canso shipping lanes with the help of GPS and radar. The sun finally burned through and we sailed on to Yankee Cove which was very pretty and remote. Only one cabin could be seen on shore and only one other cruising boat came in. There was a mussel growing aquaculture site taking up the whole north half of the cove.

Occasionally we would see a jet stream overhead that would remind us that we were below the primary air corridor between the States and Europe.

58.8 NM

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