Monday, September 22, 2008



We woke up to a real mess this morning. The lapping of water nearby is actually what woke me up. As expected we had swung around in the anchorage due to a wind change, however, the wind had gone a lot further than expected and we were right next to a pile of rocks. I checked the depth --- 6 ft of water with a boat that draws 5 ft --- Ok --- I checked the state of the tide --- Essentially low --- Ok --- Maybe instead of panicking we could be patient and have some coffee before heading out --- A few minutes later: Thud, Thud, Thud --- We were bouncing the keel of a 10 ton boat on a rock --- Quick, let's get out of here --- On goes the motor --- Up comes the chain and anchor --- So we motor towards the back side of another island --- GPS says 8 ft --- Good, I won't have to pull the anchor up far --- Suddenly as we are positioning to drop the anchor the whole boat glides up and over a smooth rock --- Sharon says: Let's get out of here --- I say: No kidding --- So I reposition out a little and drop the hook --- The day had better improve. I will be diving to check the keel for damage later or tomorrow. Lessons learned: Always allow for a significant margin of error when anchoring - just fitting in is not adequate. If in doubt when anchoring then move right away - it is kind of like reefing early - something you never feel like doing but you better get wise.

Later we ran west, before a northeast wind, to the island group of Harbor and Hall Islands. There is a rock ledge at the end of the harbor between the two islands which forms a very protected anchorage. The owner of Harbor Island has been kind enough to make his island open to the public as long as everyone respects his privacy. Thank you! There are many trails around and through the center of the islands. Early in the season one can find wild roses and raspberries lining these paths. As one walks through the woods you frequently come across little "fairy huts" which have been carefully constructed of natural things found in the forest and along the shore. Some of them are very intricate.

Later in the day I dove into the 56 degree water and checked the keel of our boat. I found only minor scratches and very small gouges along the bottom of the keel. I suppose the barrier coat will have to be touched up in those areas.

18.2 NM

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